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About the Jamaica Country Coordinating Mechanism (JCCM)

The Jamaica Country Coordinating Mechanism (JCCM) for the national HIV response was officially constituted on 14 February,  2003 within the overarching framework of the National AIDS Committee and in fulfilment of  Global Fund requirements. The JCCM operates as an independent multi-sectoral entity comprising representatives from all sectors involved in the national HIV response including government, civil society, non-governmental organisations, people living with the diseases, key affected populations, academic institutions, private sector, multilateral and bilateral agencies, and technical agencies.

The JCCM subscribes to the primacy of national ownership, respect for the central role of government, active participation of multiple stakeholders, and building on existing structures. The body also commits to promoting new and innovative partnerships where none exists. Consistent with priorities outlined in the Global Fund Strategy Framework (2023-2028), the JCCM also embraces the tenets of:

  • Meaningful engagement of communities, including people who use drugs, in all programmes and processes.
  • Increased investment in HIV prevention, including for harm reduction and data revolution. (Drug Users)
  • Strengthening community and key population-led service delivery.
  • Mainstreaming human rights and gender and support the provision of funding for advocacy efforts.
  • Continuous re-assessment of sustainability, transition, and co-financing policies.

The HIV landscape in Jamaica continues to evolve resulting in the need for periodic reviews and re-organisation of governance, managerial, and operational structures and systems in response to new and emerging realities. At the same time, Global Fund guidelines governing the operations of CCMs have also been updated to provide greater accent on issues such as eligibility requirements, ethical conduct, advocacy, community-led monitoring of programmes and policies, risk management approach to oversight, and co-financing; while maintaining emphasis on the elimination of stigma and discrimination against infected and affected persons.