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  1. The General Assembly shall comprise a maximum of nineteen (19) Standing Members who shall be vested with full voting rights in all facets of JCCM decision-making. These Members shall be drawn for the three sectors recognised by the Global – Government, Civil Society, and Bilateral and Multilateral Partners. The numerical representation is shown in Table below:
Table 1: Membership Representation on JCCM
SectorsConstituenciesNo. of Representatives
Government 4
Civil SocietyNon-Governmental Organisations3
People living with/affected by HIV1
Key Population groups3
Human Rights1
Faith-Based Organisations1
Private sector1
Trade Unions1
Bilateral/Multilateral Organisations 2
  1. The JCCM shall elect a Chair and First Vice-Chair from among the Standing Members and be drawn from different constituencies.
  2. Each constituency shall nominate, in writing, representative(s) not exceeding the number/s stipulated in Table 1 above to serve as Standing Member(s). Each constituency may also nominate alternate representatives consistent with the number of seats allocated.
  3. The JCCM shall ensure the strong representation of persons living with and affected by HIV and other key population groups to reflect prevailing social, economic, and epidemiology considerations pertinent to HIV.
  4. The JCCM shall ensure a balanced geographical representation and encourage constituencies to include rural representation among delegates elected/selected.
  5. All constituencies with more than one representative shall strive to ensure equal representation among men and women and to elect individuals with strong expertise and interest in promoting gender equity.
  6. The numerical and constituency representation of the JCCM shall be reviewed on an annual basis and adjustments made where necessary to ensure: 1) conformity with the provisions of the Governance and Operations Manual, and 2) meaningful engagement of all relevant constituencies and stakeholders in Jamaica.
  7. The membership list shall state the names of members and alternates, constituency representation, organisational affiliation, and contact details. Such membership list shall be submitted to the Global Fund annually or upon request and made publicly available.
  8. Ex-officio Members and Observers may be selected/appointed at the discretion of the JCCM Chair and with the endorsement of a simple majority vote of Standing Members. This category of members shall have no voting rights.
  9. Members shall be elected/selected for a two-year term of office upon written endorsement by their relevant constituencies that may be subject to renewal. The Member and Alternate may come from different organisations of the same constituency and no other person shall be eligible to represent or vote for that constituency.
Selection and Appointment of Members

The membership of the JCCM shall comprise representatives of all sectors involved in the national HIV response in accordance with national governance systems and operating procedures and the policies, principles, and requirements of the Global Fund. Selection and appointment of members and observers shall be undertaken against the backdrop of : a) the central role of government in the providing strategic guidance to the national HIV process, b)the investment case for including non-governmental entities, especially key and vulnerable populations, c) harnessing the resources of technical support agencies, and 4) the prevailing HIV epidemiological context.

Download Membership List 2022-2024


Executive Committee

  1. The JCCM shall establish an Executive Committee comprising the JCCM Chair, two JCCM Vice-Chairs, Chair of the Oversight Committee, and Chairs of other Standing Committees that the JCCM may appoint from time to time. It shall meet as frequently as deemed necessary to fulfil its obligations.
  2. In general, the Executive Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the policies, principles, standards, and procedures enshrined in the Governance and Operations Manual. It shall also be responsible for the management of conflict of interest to preserve the integrity of the JCCM and its processes; ensure broad public trust and confidence in operations and protect the reputation and integrity of the Global Fund.

The specific responsibilities of the Executive Committee shall be to:

    • Make administrative decisions to support functions of the JCCM as delegated by the General Assembly.
    • Coordinate communication between the JCCM, PRs, Global Fund, bilateral and multilateral development partners, civil society groups, and the Government of Jamaica.
    • Support and coordinate the work of the Standing and Ad hoc Committees of the JCCM.
    • Provide leadership in implementation of the Code of Ethical Conduct for CCM Members, The Global Fund’s Sustainability, Transition and Co-financing Policy, and The Global Fund Risk Management Policy .
    • Mobilise resources to carry out JCCM activities, including financing for the JCCM Secretariat.
    • Supervise the operations of the JCCM Secretariat.

Executive Committee Members

Mr. Ivan Cruickshank – JCCM Chair

Ms. Yolanda Paul – JCCM Vice Chair

Dr. Serene Joseph – Oversight Committe Chair

Dr. Jodi-Ann Johnson – Oversight Officer

Ms. Danaille Scott – JCCM Administrative Coordinator

Dr. Nicola Skyers – Project Manager (HIV) / Senior Medical Officer

Standing Committees

Oversight Committee
  1. The JCCM shall establish a permanent Oversight Committee with adequate skills and expertise to ensure effective grant management consistent with The Global Fund’s CCM Guidance on Oversight.The Oversight Committee shall be accountable to the General Assembly through the Executive Committee and will undertake measures to ensure.
  2. Appropriate and effective use of all funding provided by the Global Fund to Jamaica.
  3. Timely and efficient implementation of approved work plans by PR and SRs.
  4. Development of timely response mechanisms to shortcomings and problems identified during grant management to neutralize any negative impact on the performance of the programme.
  5. The Oversight Committee shall collaborate closely with all relevant Standing and Ad hoc Committees of the JCCM to facilitate the efficient exercise of its functions.
  6. The Oversight Committee shall comprise a maximum of six (6) members, at least seventy-five percent of whom shall be members of the JCCM and represent a balance among sectors. No representative of the PR or any SR shall serve on the Oversight Committee.
  • The Oversight Committee shall possess resident skills in programme management, financial management, procurement and supply management, and technical expertise in the diseases; and shall also have representation from among the key affected populations and/or people living with the diseases, with careful attention paid to gender balance. The Committee may co-opt other technical experts from time to time to assist in the exercise of its functions as circumstances demand.
  1. The JCCM shall appoint a Chair of the Oversight Committee from among the selected Standing Members who shall receive instructions from and report to the Chair of the JCCM. The membership of the Oversight Committee shall be approved by the JCCM annually.
  Oversight Committee Members: 
  1.   Dr. Serene Joseph – Committe Chair
  2.   Dr. Richard Amenyah
  3.   Mr. Jomain Mckenzie
  4.   Mrs. Renelle Aaarons-Morgan
  5.   Dr. Tina Hylton-Kong
  6.   Ms. Gillian Corrodus
  7.   Ms. Jacqueline Duncan
Proposal Development Committee

The JCCM shall appoint a Proposals Development Committee to coordinate the preparation of funding requests and other applications to the Global Fund and other funding partners as may arise. Specifically, the Proposal Development Committee shall:    

  1. Coordinate the country dialogue process leading to the conceptualisation, design, and finalisation of funding requests to the Global Fund consistent with the relevant eligibility requirements and minimum standards.
  2. Mobilise the resources of all JCCM partners to ensure alignment and harmonisation between the proposal to access Global Fund resources and other related national activities.
  3. Provide oversight and guidance to technical experts engaged in the development of request for funding to ensure conformity with the national context and Global Fund requirements.
  4. Collaborate with the Executive Committee and Oversight Committee of the JCCM during all phases of the proposal development process.

The Proposal Development Committee shall be comprised of a maximum of nine (9) members, at least three (3) of whom shall be JCCM members drawn from different constituencies. The JCCM shall appoint one of its members to serve as Chair of the Committee.  Although deemed a Standing Committee of the JCCM, it is understood that the work of the Proposal Development Committee will be undertaken as necessary. It shall meet as frequently as deemed necessary.

Establishment of Secretariat

The JCCM shall establish a Secretariat for the purpose of providing technical, programmatic, and logistical support to the various organs of the body. The Secretariat shall be managed by an Administrative Coordinator and operate under the guidance of the Chair of the JCCM. The Administrative Coordinator shall serve as Secretary to meetings of the JCCM without voting privileges. The functions of the Secretariat shall be:

  1. Coordinate meetings of the JCCM and its various Standing and Ad hoc Committees, including preparation of draft agendas and other meeting documents and issuing notices and event reminders.
  2. Produce, archive, and circulate minutes of all JCCM meetings and maintain all records, including up to date membership details and inform the Global Fund of changes in membership.
  • Assist the JCCM in the production of its annual work plan and calendar of events.
  1. Issue public announcements of request for submissions in relation to application for Global Fund grant support.
  2. Receive and document complaints on operations of the JCCM, including complaints in relation to conflict of interest, and refer these complaints for the early attention of the Chair and Oversight Monitoring Committee.
  3. Prepare and submit reports to the Global Fund and respond to queries as appropriate.
  • Distribute project documents including Global Fund guidelines, project proposals and performance reports to all relevant stakeholders.
  • Conduct an annual review of the membership of the JCCM and maintain and update distribution lists.
  1. Share information with the PR, SRs, LFA, and other stakeholders, including the media and members of the public.

Establishment of Secretariat

  1. The JCCM shall establish a Secretariat for the purpose of providing technical, programmatic, and logistical support to the various organs of the body. The Secretariat shall be managed by an Administrative Coordinator and operate under the guidance of the Chair of the JCCM. The Administrative Coordinator shall serve as Secretary to meetings of the JCCM without voting privileges. The functions of the Secretariat shall be:

    1. Coordinate meetings of the JCCM and its various Standing and Ad hoc Committees, including preparation of draft agendas and other meeting documents and issuing notices and event reminders.
    2. Produce, archive, and circulate minutes of all JCCM meetings and maintain all records, including up to date membership details and inform the Global Fund of changes in membership.
    • Assist the JCCM in the production of its annual work plan and calendar of events.
    1. Issue public announcements of request for submissions in relation to application for Global Fund grant support.
    2. Receive and document complaints on operations of the JCCM, including complaints in relation to conflict of interest, and refer these complaints for the early attention of the Chair and Oversight Monitoring Committee.
    3. Prepare and submit reports to the Global Fund and respond to queries as appropriate.
    • Distribute project documents including Global Fund guidelines, project proposals and performance reports to all relevant stakeholders.
    • Conduct an annual review of the membership of the JCCM and maintain and update distribution lists.
    • Share information with the PR, SRs, LFA, and other stakeholders, including the media and members of the public.

         Secretariat Members

        Mr. Ivan Cruickshank – Chair

        Ms. Yolanda Paul – Vice-Chair

        Ms. Danaille Scott – Administrative Coordinator

        Dr. Jodi-Ann Johnson – Oversight Officer